Apr 13, 2009

Top Twenty

Top twenty words of two art critics, listed in frequency of use:

Critic 1

  1. the
  2. of
  3. a
  4. and
  5. in
  6. to
  7. is
  8. as
  9. it
  10. with
  11. that
  12. from
  13. for
  14. by
  15. was
  16. he
  17. at
  18. on
  19. but
  20. art

Critic 2

  1. the
  2. of
  3. and
  4. a
  5. in
  6. to
  7. is
  8. that
  9. art
  10. it
  11. with
  12. from
  13. museum
  14. by
  15. or
  16. are
  17. this
  18. at
  19. an
  20. new

Based on a sample of 5000 recently published words by each critic.

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